
The website for FID: Film and Interreligious Dialogue, which I coordinate, is now online here.

FID is an international research network for studying religion as cinematic and enhancing film as dialogue based at CEIS20 - Centre of 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Coimbra. The network fits within the remit of one of the strategic areas of the institution — heritage, culture and inclusive society — which aims aggregating and enhancing research that contributes to the knowledge, safeguarding and promotion of heritage and culture. It focuses on the role of perceptions, formed by traditions, values and beliefs, in shaping societies and politics in the 21st century.

The larger project is connected with the Horizon Europe Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” promoted by the European Union. Like other projects connected with the strategic areas of the University of Coimbra, it gathers reaserchers and fosters interdisciplinarity with multidisciplinary approaches to address the societal challenges aligned with the Horizon Europe priorities and the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. It brings together critical mass and installed skills for the development of research of excellence, based on the ability of the R&D Units of the University of Coimbra and the benefits of relevant international partnerships.