Intermedialities in (Post)Colonial Images


Horse Money.

“Spectres of Today: The Fractures of History in Horse Money (2014)” began as a paper that I presented in a one-day workshop on (post)colonial film and intermediality at the University of Reading on 21 June 2018, organised by Maria do Carmo Piçarra and Lúcia Nagib at the Centre for Film Aesthetics and Cultures (CFAC). It was a wonderful event, with insightful papers by Carmo, Katy Stewart (University of Sheffield), and Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (University of Valencia). Those papers have now been published as articles in a special issue of Observatorio (OBS*) on intermedialities in (post)colonial images, edited by Carmo (thank you!), with additional essays by Nagib, Ana Balona de Oliveira, Afonso Dias Ramos, and Raquel Schefer. Unmissable reading available here.