Film and Philosophy:
Contemporary Approaches


La Jetée (1962).

This study day is an occasion for all the members of the working group on cinema and philosophy (AELab - Laboratory of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Artistic Practices) of NOVA Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA) to present their ongoing individual research projects. Each member will present an outline of his or her current research, as well as the filmic corpus, conceptual framework and problematic field he or she is interested in, for 15-20 minutes. The associated doctoral students are free to contribute with a presentation of their doctoral project.

10am-11:30am: Bodily Expressions:

Diogo Nóbrega, “Figura, Corpo, Comunidade: Modos de Exposição do Humano no Plano da Experiência Cinematográfica” [“Figure, Body, Community: Modes of Exhibition of the Human on the Plane of Cinematic Experience”]

Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco, “O Háptico no Islão: Aniconismo, Geometria e Algoritmo” [“The Haptic in Islam: Aniconism, Geometry and Algorithm”]

Ilda Teresa de Castro, “O Vivo e o Filme e os Modos no Antropoceno” [“The Living and the Film and the Modes of the Anthropocene”]

11:45am-1:15pm: Film and Politics:

Susana Mouzinho, “Movimentos: Filmes do Grupo Dziga Vertov” [“Movements: Films of the Dziga Vertov Group”]

Stefanie Bauman, “Emancipating the Critical Potential of Film: Adorno/Kluge”

Giovanni Tusa, “‘Vergleich über ein Drittes’: Montage, Film, Praxis”

2:30pm-16pm: Rethinking Sound and Image:

Maile Colbert, “Wayback Sound Machine: Sound Through Time, Space, and Place”

Sérgio Dias Branco, “O Assombro da Imagem” [“The Haunting of Image”]

Maria Irene Aparício, “Cinema e Valor(es): Existências e Resistências que os Filmes (Não) nos Ensinam” [“Film and Value(s): Existences and Resistances that Films Do (Not) Teach Us”]

4:15pm-5:15pm: Around Deleuze:

Susana Viegas, “Arte e Vida no Documentário de Fabulação” [“Art and Life in Fabulated Documentary”]

Susana Nascimento Duarte, “Práticas Arqueológicas do Cinema” [“Archeological Practices of Film”]