Between Us


Private Fears in Public Places (Cœurs, 2006).

Charlton Heston (1924-2008)


A Sede do Mal (Touch of Evil, 1958).

On Film Style (2)


To Be and to Have.

Week 24, 2008, at the University of Kent. This week’s lecture delivered by Dr. Catherine Grant for Introduction to Narrative Cinema 2: World Cinema is titled “Contemporary World Cinema Auteurism (2)”.

These are the aims of my seminar:

• discuss the three documentary modes: expository, observational, and performative;
• analyse the filmmaker’s choices in To Be and to Have (Être et avoir, 2002);
• debate the authorial claims of the filmed subjects in documentary film.


“On Film Style”: (1)

Jules Dassin (1911-2008)


Foragidos da Noite (Night and the City, 1950).