BSG 2007
Battlestar Galactica (2003-), “The Hand of God” (1.10).
BSG 2007: The Politics, Poetics and Philosophy of Battlestar Galactica is the first academic conference on this rich television series. It was opportunely organised by Dr. Ewan Kirkland and will be held today at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College.
I am presenting a paper on performance and personal identity. Here is the list of presenters and papers:
Richard Berger (Bournemouth University), “Re-designing the Designer: Adapting Polytheism in Battlestar Galactica”
John Caro and Dylan Pank (University of Portsmouth), “‘Haven’t you heard? They look like us now?’: Realism and Metaphor in Battlestar Galactica”
Sérgio Dias Branco (University of Kent), “Labyrinths of the Self: Different Characters and Identical Bodies in Battlestar Galactica”
Jennifer Harwood-Smith (Trinity College, University of Dublin), “Anxiety of Identity in Battlestar Galactica”
David Hipple (University of Reading), “Being Unreal: The Intellectual Appeal of Battlestar Galactica”
Ewan Kirkland (Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College), “Starbuck as Sacrificial Heroine: Patriarchal Punishment or Mythical Transcendence?”
Elspeth Kydd (University of the West of England), “The Look and Feel of Humanity: Cylons and the ‘Passing’ Narrative in Battlestar Galactica”
Esther MacCallum-Stewart (University of East London), “Chocks Away!: Breaking the ‘History’ Formula in Battlestar Galactica”
Jean-Paul Martinon (Goldsmiths College, University of London), “Keep the Clock Running: Time and Temporal Experience in Battlestar Galactica”
Marko Meenakshi ALIEN Hutsch (Universität Hamburg), “The Starbuck Dilemma”
Pil and Galia Kollectiv, “The Political Theology of Battlestar Galactica”
David Roden (Open University), “Cylons in the Original Position: The Limits of Posthuman Justice”
Caroline Ruddell (St. Mary’s University College), “In Flux: Performativity, Technology, Identity and the Postmodern Subject in Battlestar Galactica”
Greg Singh (Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College and University of Reading), “‘It’s all just a little bit of history repeating’: Time, Mythology, and Regeneration in Battlestar Galactica”
Natasha Whiteman (University of London), “Genre, ‘Quality Television’ and the Sci-Fi Network: The Case of Battlestar Galactica”